New to fell?


We are a premium fitness facility delivering high-quality group exercise classes. You’ll receive the friendliest welcome from our coaching team and Fell Fam. Our aim is to make fitness fun, social, part of your lifestyle and something you look forward to. Our well-rounded approach to health and wellness is designed to make you feel your happiest, healthiest and most confident. Expect CrossFit, gymnastics, weightlifting, bodybuilding, powerlifting, nutrition, mindfulness, mindset training, endurance, cardio sessions, gymnastics, creative workshops AND SO MUCH MORE.

What is crossfit?

We specialise in CrossFit which is constantly varied, functional fitness, performed at a high intensity this means:

  1. Every day is different to keep things exciting and interesting

  2. You’ll develop all-round fitness to live a happier, healthier life

  3. You’ll continually progress so plateaus are a thing of the past

  4. Time-effective for busy people

  5. Fully coached for safety and training efficacy


It’s a misconception that everyone who does CrossFit is an elite athlete. We have members from 3 years old to 66 years young. Our experienced team of coaches will guide you through the movements, offering advice on what weights to use and will modify the intensity of workouts to your current ability. It’s a personal approach to group fitness. Everyone starts somewhere, you just have to start.


If you have no CrossFit experience, or would like to refresh your foundations, you are invited to join our FELLEMENTARY SCHOOL. There will be two sessions where we teach you all the fundamental movements including olympic weightlifting and gymnastics to ensure that you are safe and confident going in to classes. Both sessions will be led by Head Coach and Owner Chelsea Eddy-Waland who will make you feel instantly welcome and supported. These run regularly throughout the year. You can try us out first with a free trial pass and sign up before Fellementary starts. You don’t need to wait for a course before you sign up unless you would prefer to learn the basics first.
